Monday, November 9, 2009

Despite R. Kelly's tumultuous past and legal problems, he is still a musical wonder

who does not have to rely on elaborate sets or flash and dazzle to keep his fans. Not only did he perform the fans most wanted songs, he threw in, yet another MJ(Michael Jackson) clip from his personal arsenal. The crowd roared and cheered with delight to see the haunting image of MJ inside a car, bopping and grooving to "Ignition"!
Artist:R. Kelly
Performance: Consummate
Set: none/video
Performance Timeliness: on-time, encourages cameras and picture-taking
Opening Act: 2, P. Pleasure/K. Michelle
Venue: la live
Approx. Audience attendance size: 5,000+
Audience age: 18 - 70+

Sunday, November 8, 2009

GOOD STUFF -Entertainment

Kim Gun Mo, one of Korea' top/legendary artist in first U.S. concert. Diverse entertainer whose repertoire includes most popular musical genres: pop, soul, reggae, ballads, old school, etc...He not only sings, but dances, tell jokes, interacts with audience, very formidable back-up dancers and fashion trendsetter!

Artist:Kim Gun Mo
Performance: unexpectedly awesome!
Set: videos
Performance Timeliness: on-time, courteous to late arrivals
Opening Act: none, but great female vocalist
Venue: la live
Approx. Audience attendance size: 5,000+
Audience age: 15 - 70+