Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another CHIcaGO boy!

 Chicago seems to be a town with enough inspiration or good water that breeds a lot of successful and talented artists.. not to mention the  pre-stomping ground for the  the current Commander and Chief of the U.S.
Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., aka "Common" from the rap with a conscience/consciousness movement, has continued the illusion of a city chocked with inspiration.
      Most recently Mr. Lynn co-starred with Queen Latifah  in "Just Wright", a film and role where he didnt have to reach any farther than his dad as a study since Lonnie Lynn Sr. once played professional basketball in the ABA league.  Whether college, writing, performing, designing or acting, this Chicago- bred talent keeps growing.   
Check out  Entourage's  Jeremy Piven , also a CHItown product,  set trends wearing one of his fav "skimmers", a "Sicillian revival of newsboy and Paperboy caps". designed by Lynn/Common's Soji hat line
Grab one at La Coppola Storta