Monday, February 11, 2013

Controversial Pursuit

Its that time of year when the independent film community come together in different venues to screen low-budget "Blockbusters". One might say that "Indie" film festivals are the "Premiere" screening of what is to come to the big screen.

Usually there's a film festival winner though this year may be a little different because while the film festivals open and close in major cities, it seems that a contender for "Best" screened play is in the midst of unfolding as possibly the best non-fictitious intriguing account of power, passion and class, whose story's end, for the first time, will be determined by an audience of observer(s) unsuspectingly "observed".

The bad guy is The System. The System is powerful, almost too powerful for the protagonist's hope of victory or assure the foe, vindication.

Its a story about the power of the money as a medium of exchange. Money stops at nothing or anyone without the subtle influence of exchange it can buy. It is a case that when closed will have revealed the formula of influence.

By the time this case goes through the justice system, the lives of innocents caught in the cross-fire will be forever changed for better, worse, but changed.

The stake: an empire and one of the most coveted position of leadership.

The victim: a foreigner ignorant to the ways of the country granting asylum.

It appears that some type of high-level discretionary "incident" is now less discrete. The seemingly naive victim must now, for the first time, learn the "sideways" heart of the host country. And the reckless, irrational ego, will have to rely on The System to keep it strong. For Money, its just a matter of formalities, bit of humiliation and pretentious sanction(s). But not one second's doubt of eventual victory.

The victim has to blindly trust those who rush to aid, test the allegiance of the few intimates, and hope against The Power that seduces by presenting opportunity to realize hopes and dreams deferred.

This is about culture, history, war, race and gender whose future is most often determined, controlled and dependent on The System.

Imagine watching an illusion(ist) work, a Jedi-mind trick moment, you see but you don't.. Get your popcorn, sit back... as the story picks up with shout-outs to the Defense for POI (defendant) because according to an article in the...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Seven White Boys and Bobby Seale

Yippies, Youth and Purpose

The Month of February is an opportunity to be entertained and educated in US History. Particularly "Black" history as it seems, that story, has not yet been fully told. So in that spirit, go to the movies and watch true Indie-Film throwback, The Chicago 8.

"...Never in America's history has youthful protest captured society's imagination
nor polarized it to such a degree..."

Educational, Activism, Politics, Inspirational, Passion